Thanks to Newton and those giants who have been able to climb onto his mighty shoulders to bring nature’s laws to light, it is now possible, even on our finite Earth, for all to thrive.
This highly motivating conjecture was formulated while applying what was learnt during an inspiring decade at Imperial researching these giant engines of discovery.
For the last 35 years this practice centred on technology development and industrial design in collaboration with leading European research institutions, including Fraunhofer and Imperial.
The challenge has been one of systems conception, so that the discoveries of these giants and what they have led to, could be integrated affordably, to enable all to thrive, even with a rapidly growing population and seemingly limited resources.
Key to this is the innovative use of our vast resource, the sun, as tool not fuel, which could then not only supply all our energy needs, but is capable of regenerating materials that are scarce as well as our rife waste streams, which are destroying our land, sea and air.
The hidden barrier, even to the potentially transformative use of the most advanced solar PV technology, already our cheapest source of energy, is a steam-age mindset perpetuated by our outdated organisational structures and their imperatives.
For now that we can affordably access abundant distributed sources of power, such as sun, wind and waste, the economies of scale that agglomeration may once have enabled are suddenly dwarfed by the synergies of scale available with local production, especially with the recent reduction in cost and size of many types of production equipment.
When the immense array of opportunities that these changes enable are realised, it will have the explosive effect of unleashing enterprise wherever the sun shines.
We could then aim for 0 not net 0 emissions and thereby make the reversal of our dire trajectory of environmental destruction, actually possible.
The opportunity to justify these seemingly outrageous statements would be greatly welcomed as would the chance to elaborate on the immense array of opportunities mentioned. Barry@BarryClive.comPlease see,, Mode.Black and C.V.